
I’m a professional photo retoucher living in Chicago, Illinois. While I love to be outside, go on hikes, practice archery, and go sailing on Lake Michigan, there has always been one thing I have loved most of all…

I have long had a love for photography.

So, why a retoucher and not photographer?

With a keen eye for detail, and a penchant for creativity, photography was my biggest hobby growing up. This led me to eventually attend photography school in Montana. Where, I also discovered that my attention to detail and creative side created a love for editing and retouching photos, just as much as I love taking them.

So here I am, graduated photography school and loving being a photo retoucher.

To me, my work is more than just a job, it’s a passion. And because of that passion, I strive to always bring out the true beauty of every image I work on. Whether it’s simply cleaning up small details. or making a creative vision come true, I am committed to always delivering high quality retouching work.

Because of this, I also believe in establishing a strong working relationship with my clients, understanding their objectives, and communicating effectively to bring their visions to life. I value the feedback and input from clients so as to always be striving to learn, improve, and exceed expectations.

As my client, your satisfaction is my top priority. Nothing makes me happier than to be able to share the joy that I feel comes with a beautiful photograph, and I strive to deliver results that not only meet but surpass your expectations.